How do semesters work?

Each full semester runs for twelve weeks and consists of eleven, weekly two hour interactive classes followed by an hour lab/workshop and the final class which is demonstration of your culminating project. Students will be invited to join a private, Telegram group for collaboration and interaction with peers; present and former students. Weekly office hours for Instructors will be posted to provide students seeking extra help and guidance the option of 1:1 time as needed.

At this time, the weekly class schedule runs each Monday evening from 6 pm to 9 pm Eastern Standard Time and this may change at our discretion. Classes typically will proceed as scheduled irregardless of recognized religious or political holidays, however we reserve the right to make any changes to the schedule that we deem appropriate and necessary.

Attendance and completion of all classes is required to receive a Certificate of Completion; missed classes may be made up in a future semester. Additionally, a passing grade on each periodic Assessment is required, as is the completion of an individualized culminating project.

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