Our Philosophy
We recognize that each and every individual experiences his or her Initiation and Awakening to the spiritual path through a personal Dark Night of the Soul, and as this can not occur without the support and direct participation of the one true Creator; the Divine Most High which we honor as the supreme authority and chooser of purpose, we do not insist upon exclusive blood-lines, blood types, lineages, or any other form of prerequisite. A seeker is a seeker, and there is no single path to mastery. All who have devoted themselves to Service, spiritual growth and doing no harm to others are welcome to join us for study and collaboration at Path of the Masters A Modern Day Mystery School.
We believe in teaching others how to fish, not providing them with a fish….although there are times when this is necessary in the short-term. At the end of the day, our mission and intention is to assist you in finding and developing the tools that are already inside you to reach Mastery in doing your own Great Work.
We require that you come with an open mind and a willingness to delve deeply into your inner core and challenge your own First Principles…..and to adjust them, if necessary.
We require that you come prepared to apply yourself to your studies, and to respect yourself and your journey as well as the journeys of your fellow travelers by taking the work with the utmost seriousness and dedication.
We ask that you rededicate yourself from this day forward to the Path of Mastery; however it looks to you. Thank you for your devotion to Truth and Service-to-Others.