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Path of the Masters - A Modern Day Mystery School

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What can I do with this certificate?

By Dr.Kenz

Earning a certificate of completion demonstrates commitment to a path of study, and is a demonstration of your skills and knowledge in the fundamentals of metaphysics. In our growing community, recognition of the level of ethics and professionalism that we have devoted our lives to upholding both individually, and through our work at Path of…

What is unique about this Mystery School?

By Dr.Kenz

Path of the Masters A Modern Day Mystery School is a modern mystery school which honors and elevates the pure principles of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. We teach in the spirit and energy of the divine mother principle; Earth-based, embodying the wisdom of the High Priestess and the Empress. For thousands of…

How do semesters work?

By Dr.Kenz

Each full semester runs for twelve weeks and consists of eleven, weekly two hour interactive classes followed by an hour lab/workshop and the final class which is demonstration of your culminating project. Students will be invited to join a private, Telegram group for collaboration and interaction with peers; present and former students. Weekly office hours…

What will I learn at Path of the Masters?

By Dr.Kenz

Welcome to our Modern Day Mystery School, where ancient wisdom meets contemporary practices to foster spiritual growth, personal development, and a deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence. Here’s what you can expect to learn when you join our transformative journey: 1. Introduction to Ancient Mysticism Overview: Dive into the rich traditions of ancient mystical teachings from…

What is a Mystery School?

By Dr.Kenz

In days long past, the Mystery Schools were hidden in plain sight. They preserved ancient knowledge of the Cosmos and secrets of Creation, keeping this information hidden from the profane, and were dedicated to educating serious students in the practices and philosophies of the lost arts. Their teachings were available to those with eyes to…

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